Declension of German noun Levkoje with plural and article
The declension of the noun Levkoje (stock, Brompton stock) is in singular genitive Levkoje and in the plural nominative Levkojen. The noun Levkoje is declined with the declension endings -/n. The voice of Levkoje is feminine and the article "die". Here you can not only inflect Levkoje but also all German nouns. Comments ☆
Declension of Levkoje in singular and plural in all cases
Translation of German Levkoje
- Levkoje
- stock, Brompton stock, gillyflower, hoary stock
- левко́й, левкой
- alhelí, alelí
- giroflée, Dianthus, Gillyflower
- şebboy, kokulu çiçek
- flores perfumadas, plantas ornamentais
- violacciocca, violaciocca, Dianthus
- levkoja
- illatos virág
- lewkonia
- αρωματικό φυτό, γλαστράκι
- violier, levkoje
- levkoje
- doftande blommor
- levkøj, duftende blomst
- 香りのある花の観賞植物
- planta ornamental
- tuoksukukka
- duftlilje
- lore ederra
- levkoi
- засадна растенија со миризливи цветови
- dišeča rastlina
- kvetina
- levkoja
- levkoi
- левкої
- левкой
- левкой
- לבנדר
- زهرة عطرية
- گل زینتی
- خوشبودار پھولوں والا پودا
Levkoje in
Levkoje in Beolingus
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Meanings and synonyms of LevkojeNouns
Randomly selected nouns
≡ Dakota
≡ Schwager
≡ Institut
≡ Grille
≡ Leihhaus
≡ Flader
≡ Waldhorn
≡ Doku
≡ Bahnpost
≡ Fibrom
≡ Paddock
≡ Geknalle
≡ Spießer
≡ Bildidee
≡ Kröte
≡ Mutist
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Declension forms of Levkoje
Summary of all declension forms of the noun Levkoje in all cases
The declension of Levkoje as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case). Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Levkoje is crucial.
Declension Levkoje
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | die Levkoje | die Levkojen |
Gen. | der Levkoje | der Levkojen |
Dat. | der Levkoje | den Levkojen |
Acc. | die Levkoje | die Levkojen |
Declension Levkoje
- Singular: die Levkoje, der Levkoje, der Levkoje, die Levkoje
- Plural: die Levkojen, der Levkojen, den Levkojen, die Levkojen